Sunday Worship
New Life has in-person worship services on Sunday at 8:15 am and 10:15 am. Livestream is typically available at 10:15am on our YouTube channel.
Our worship experience is centered on God with a strong focus on participation in prayer, song, reading of scripture and receiving the Sacraments.
The worship experience at New Life fosters a connected community with a healthy blend of the familiar and the innovative, leading to sincere and reverent worship in a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.
Holy Communion is a sacrament for the community gathered. Here, ordinary bread and wine, fruits of the earth, bear the very real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Communion is offered every Sunday at both services. All are welcome at the Lord's table.
Our nursery has returned at our 10:15 am service. It is available for children up to 4 years old and is staffed by adults.