New Life provides a place for you to be supported and encouraged wherever you are at on your faith journey. We offer New Member Conversations to explore Christianity/Lutheran faith and New Life Mission and Ministries. There are several small groups that provide a place to grow in spiritual knowledge and personal relationships.
We go beyond our established circles to build friendships one conversation at a time, both within the church and greater community.
In addition, we like to just have fun so we have several sports teams like bowling, softball and basketball.

Bible Study
Wednesday Morning Bible Study led by Pastor.
10:00 - 11:30 am
Meeting in the sanctuary; all are welcome

Adult Christian Education
This group meets Sunday morning at 9:15-10:15 am.
Wide range of scheduled topics throughout the year related to history of Christianity and world we live in. Great place to connect with others in a small group. No prior knowledge expected. No prior attendance needed.

Muslim Christian Association
Interfaith group that meets monthly to build understanding and relationships in our community. We gather to celebrate inclusiveness and promote peace. All are welcome. See Events page for upcoming meeting date.

Bowling League
We bowl every other Saturday during September through April at Strike & Spare in Lockport. Bowling games start at 6:30 pm. Teams can consist of all men, all women or mixed.