IAG Valentines Collection
Now thru February 24
February is a great time to share our love for one another. So we are hosting a collection of items for the adult residents of Individual Advocacy Group. These residents with special needs live in group homes throughout our community. In some cases they have no family to remember them at holidays. These items will help bring a smile to their face and remind them that they are loved. Items can be for men or women.
1) Simple coloring books/simple puzzle books. (ie dot to dot)
2) crayons/colored pencils/thin markers
3) cologne/perfume
4) body wash/shampoo
5) toothbrushes/toothpaste
6) deodorant
7) baseball caps/costume jewelry
8) kitchen towels & dishcloths
9) colorful paper plates & napkins.
We appreciate your participation whether it’s one item or multiple. There will be a collection box in the narthex through February 24.