Our Story – Christmas Cantata
We believe the Christmas Cantata tradition started under Pastor Paul Walker when he was at New Life, possibly with 1992 being the first year.
This quickly became a beloved tradition of music, song, narrators, and in the beginning; members portraying the Holy Family. This included having an actual baby to portray the baby Jesus! There was such a baby boom at New Life for many years that there was generally a baby to play this part.
Unfortunately this will be another event that can’t happen this year due to COVID. We hope this can bring back some great memories for you, whether you sang in the choir, had a family member participating or just enjoyed New Life members sharing their special gifts.
*This is just a sample of some of the pictures over the years that are now in our New Life database of pictorial history. We recognize that there are many years recorded as videos that have not yet been added to our pictorial history yet.